The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only

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The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only


If your child is starting life in college, there's a surprise around every corner...

But that doesn't mean you can't be prepared! The Naked Roommate: For Parents Only is a witty and wise guide to everything you need to know about the college experience. Harlan Cohen, America's most trusted college life expert, delivers the best advice, facts, stats, tips, and stories from parents, students, and experts across the country to ensure that you and your child will have an incredible and meaningful college experience.

The Summer Before

What, when, and how to prepare

The emotional roller coaster

Calling, Texting, and Facebooking

New ways to keep in touch

How much is too much

To A or Not to B

Professors, grades, and actually going to class

When to step in (and when not to)

Paying the Bills

Financial aid tricks and tips

Budgets, books, and the best campus jobs

The First Few Months

Move-in, roommates, and homesickness

What not to do when you're missing them

Keeping Them Safe

Drinking, partying, and other things your kid might not be doing

Knowing your campus support resources

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