Traditional Scottish Recipes

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Traditional Scottish Recipes


Generations of Scots have grown up on recipes using oatmeal and oats, curly kail (cabbage), haddock, potatoes, offal (haggis), and soups made with a good ham hough. This book combines traditional, classic recipes with Scottish family favourites – complete with tips – handed down within families to produce a tried and tested, working cookbook of 86 recipes.

All the recipes are simple and easy to follow, and each has an introduction that gives a short history or helpful explanation of origins or tips on how to make each classic. Recipes include soups and starters, game, meat, and vegetables, fish, shellfish, bread, baking and desserts and puddings using diary, cereals and soft fruit produce.

Recipes are included for special things such as elderberry wine, rhubarb and ginger jam, and roast leg of Scotch lamb with fresh rosemary, and floury potatoes. Other staples include lentil soup, Scotch broth, steak pie, stovies, haggis (and easy haggis), pan-cooked pheasant, steamed pudding with Drambuie syrup, pancakes, fruit loaf, potato scones, shortbread, macaroon bars, tablet, marmalade, Clyde Valley chutney and Gaelic coffee.

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